Please note that several titles not available from external vendors are available directly from the author using the order form at the bottom of this page.
Title | Publisher/Availability | Price | Purchase |
Zong! | Available through The Wesleyan Press, in Canada through the Mercury Press | $22.95 | Buy |
She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks | Available from the author through Poui Publications, Toronto | $13.50 | Buy |
Salmon Courage | Out of print, photocopy available from the author | $7.00 | Buy |
Thorns | Out of print, photocopy available from the author | $7.00 | Buy |
Looking For Livingstone: An Odyssey of Silence | The Mercury Press, Toronto, available through Best Buy | $10.95 | Buy |
Harriet’s Daughter | Heinemann Inc. London The Women’s Press, Toronto, available through Best Buy | $11.95 | Buy |
Harriet’s Daughter (audio cassette 120 min) | Available from the author | $16.00 | Buy |
Frontiers: Essays and Writings in Racism and Culture | The Mercury Press, Toronto, available through Best Buy. | $15.95 | Buy |
a Genealogy of Resistance and Other Essays | The Mercury Press, Toronto, available through Best Buy. | $18.85 | Buy |
CARIBANA: African roots and continuities -Race, Space and the Poetics of Moving | Available from the author through Poui Publications, Toronto | $8.00 | Buy |
Showing Grit: Showboating North of the 44th Parallel | Out of print, photocopy available from the author | $14.00 | Buy |
Coups and Calypsos | The Mercury Press, Toronto, available through NW Passages | $16.95 | Buy |
Grammar of Dissent | Goose Lane Editions, Fredericton, available through Best Buy | $17.95 | |
“M, Nourbese Philip” by Helen Lee | Toronto Arts Award Profile | $20.00 |
ORDER DIRECTLY FROM THE AUTHOR If you want speedy service and you are only ordering one or two books please send an interac email cash transfer to nourbese at nourbese dot com (type the “@” sign and the “.” ) for the cost of the book(s) plus shipping (15% in Canada, 20% in the US). The book(s) will be mailed to you immediately after payment is received. Alternatively, you can wait for a return email, with an invoice attached confirming the price and the exact shipping cost. The books will be mailed to you as soon as a cheque or money order payable to M. NourbeSe Philip is received. Note: For book stores ordering multiple copies 20% -30% wholesale discount applies and the books will be sent, with an invoice enclosed, as soon as the order is confirmed by email.
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She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks –$12.00
Harriet’s Daughter – books on tape, 120 minutes — $16.00
Salmon Courage — $7.00
Thorns –$7.00
Showing Grit: Showboating North of the 44th Parallel — $7.00
CARIBANA: African roots and continuities-Race, Space and the Poetics of Moving — $8.00